Zeichen Raum
Video-Zeichnung 2023, Drei-Kanal-Projektion, acht Animationen insgesamt 113 Min., Loop
A video drawing, a light drawing moves through the space. The lines of the windows, doors and walls are examined, multiplied and animated. The drawings emerge, change, form rhythmic formations and disappear. The video projection sweeps over the walls of the room and over the viewers entering. A play of light.
Betina Kuntzsch draws the lines by hand with an electronic pen directly on a graphics tablet. Using computer programmes, she animates and multiplies these drawings. Eight animations were developed for the installation ZEICHEN RAUM, which are assigned to three projectors. The projectors cover one, two or three wall surfaces and the ceiling of the room. The lines, hatchings and shapes of the video drawings overlap. The animation sequences of the three projections are of different lengths – thus always creating new, random combinations of drawings. The visitors are included in the projections. They walk in the lines, form projection surfaces themselves and cast shadows.
The installation was developed for the exhibition space Mehrzweckhalle by the artist and curator Claudia Busching. The exhibition forms Part V of the ten-part series “Zeichenraum- eine Zeichnung entsteht”.
Installation in the Mehrzweckhalle Berlin
Mehrzweckhalle Berlin, 2023

Mehrzweckhalle, Berlin, 2023