Loïe Fuller. The Electric Sprite – is at Film Fest Dresden from 18 to 23 April 2023 and nominated for the LUCA Film Award for Gender Diversity.
Internationales Filmfest Dresden
Nominees LUCA Film Award
* Thu 5:30 pm I SCHAUBURG * Sat 10:00 pm | SCHAUBURG
LUCA, the Film Award for Gender Diversity, sends a clear signal for the acceptance of all genders, against sexism and against any discrimination. The nominated films make visible ways of living and loving that challenge norms. They show the power of love, acceptance and solidarity and plead for self-determined living in freedom. OF with German and / or English subtitles
With the kind support of the Gender Competence Centre Saxony / FrauenBildungsHaus Dresden e. V., the LAG Queer Network Saxony and the LAG Boys’ and Men’s Work Saxony e. V.
The films are:
- MUSS JA NICHT SEIN, DASS ES HEUTE IST (Sophia Groening, 2022, Germany).
- TO WRITE FROM MEMORY (Emory Chao Johnson, 2023, USA)
- HEIMWEH (Maja Bresink, 2022, Germany)
- LOÏE FULLER. DIE ELEKTRISCHE FEE (Betina Kuntzsch, 2022, Germany)
- EINMAL WIEDER DIESER JUNGE SEIN (Jan Koester, Lisa Violetta Gaß, 2022, Germany)
- UM CAROÇO DE ABACATE (Ary Zara, 2022, Portugal)